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  • 更新时间:2014-03-03
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关键词:魏晋时期  审美观念  思想变迁  女性审美观


Abstract: Wei in Chinese history is a major turning point, regardless of political, economic, cultural, ideological or philosophical literature and art, are experiencing a turning point. In such a historical form, re-liberation philosophy, the traditional position under attack by science, metaphysics, Buddhism, Taoism is also the impact of the rise of people's thinking, bound by the new awakening tear. In respect for nature, the pursuit of personal freedom has become the mainstream of society at the time the case, women's life also began to recover consciousness, women's constraints lessened. Compared with the previous generation, with a greater degree of freedom, social status has also been greatly improved. Plays a more celebrities who can be comparable with the then outstanding women, to different aesthetic pursuit of the traditional Chinese history, a unique painted.

Key Words: Wei and Jin Dynasties  Aesthetic  Thought Transformation  Female aesthetic


