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  • 更新时间:2014-09-18
  • 论文字数:6101
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关键词  藏传佛教,藏戏,羌姆


ABSTRACT:Tibetan people settled in Broad geographic, the living environment, dress style,climatic differences, language and religion of them have distinctive features.For the sustained influence of religious culture, Tibetans have shown their religious piety. The thoughts and feelings of Tibetans can be reflected though their dance. The dance forms coupled with strong religious cultural was rather popular in ritual activities. Tibetan Opera and Cham of Tibetan religious dances in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries own their strict rules in performances, costumes,music and props. The most prominent distinction of the Tibetan religious dances was their masks, which using the mask dance. and most importantly different from their masks, a mask dance. All of these characteristics prompted us to explore how to continue the heritage and development of Tibetan religious dances more reasonable.

Key Words: Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan, Qiang Mu

