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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2014-03-01
  • 论文字数:12460
  • 课题出处:(失去才懂珍惜)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文



关键词:福尔摩斯 御手洗洁 侦探形象 身份


ABSTRACT:The detective image plays a decisive role in detective novels. Sherlock Holmes who was created by famous British novelist Conan Doyle and Kiyoshi Mitarai, who was created by Japanese new honkaku novelist Soji Shimada were both famous around the world. Holmes and Kiyoshi Mitarai have a lot in common in aspects of professional statues, detective abilities, relationships with assistants and female views, which is because Conan Doyle’s characterization has influenced Soji Shimada deeply. On the other hand, the detective images of Holmes and Kiyoshi Mitarai have their own characteristics in aspects of appearances, personalities and hobbies, detective methods and name meanings, which is because Soji Shimada was also influenced by the other western detective novelists, moreover, Japanese honkaku novels that he represents was essentially different from western detective novels.

Key words: Sherlock Holmes; Kiyoshi Mitarai; images of detectives; identity 


