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  • 更新时间:2013-12-29
  • 论文字数:36923
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关键词 给水系统;排水系统;消防系统;热水系统


Abstract:In the new century,Water supply and drainage will follow people-oriented principle, and will be adjusted to focus on both civil and industrial buildings, both public buildings and residential buildings, both water supply and hot water and take a comprehensive, balanced, practical and safe developing way.

   In this paper, the project isfengyuan edifice. I will make the construction of water supply system, drainage system, fire water system, hot water systemwith the understanding of design standards and specifications, mainly in the preliminary design calculations .

   According to design information, municipal water supply network of the water pressure is 250KPa, pressurized water the way it is divided into upper、medium、 lower three zones: zone of -1-5 layers, directly by the municipal water supply pipe network, using down to give way; the area for6-12 layer, using the pump - joint water supply tank, pipe line under a row.The water tank set up in 13 layers.The upper area for 13-16 layers,the water tank set on the roof.Water supply system using PP-R pipe tube.

   The building is a first-class building, located fire hydrant water supply system, fire hydrant water for the 20L / s. Fire hydrant system is not partitioned by water tanks - water pump combined water supply, fire water tank for 10 minutes the fire water storage, fire pumps and pipes are set separately. This building is in danger of fire danger rating of grade Ⅰ,set automatic sprinkler system, designed to water density is 6, the design function area of 160, the system working pressure nozzle 0.06MPa, water consumption is 20L/s.Fire hydrant water supply system using ordinary carbon seamless steel pipe, automatic sprinkler system in galvanized steel pipe

   The interior drainage system is designed by combined, toilet waste water directly discharged into the municipal sewage pipe network.Male, female toilets were set up risers. The first floor separately emissions, and to the nearest row outdoors. Has a high drainage riser extending through the top of the trachea. Established special ventilation tube, supplemented with ventilation tube connected into three systems. Water discharge through the trench to the basement sump, sewage lift pump discharge and through to the outdoor urban sewage pipe network. The design of the drainage pipe with flexible interface mechanism drainage cast iron pipe.

   The architectural design is 2-5 layers of hot water the northeast shower, kitchen, water and 13 floors of public bathrooms,the use of centralized water supply system. 2-5 layers of the water heater cold water supply from Central water tank, 13-story public bathroom water heater cold water supply tank by the high area, volume of water heaters are used to focus set in the basement. The design of hot water system uses thin-walled tubes, pipe fittings and pipe use the same material, the water within a stainless steel tube heated.

Keywords  building water supply system   building fire fighting system   building drainage system   building hot water system


