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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2013-11-02
  • 论文字数:7182
  • 课题出处:(邻座的怪同学)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文,开题报告


摘要:随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机的交互性,通信的分布性和多媒体的现实性相结合,将构成继电报电话、传真之后的第四代通信手段。多媒体在人类文化生活中扮演的角色越来越重要,观看视频和音乐也需要使用播放器。多媒体技术给出版业带来了巨大的影响,其中近年来出现的电子图书和电子报刊就是应用多媒体技术的产物。对于多媒体播放器我们再熟悉不过了,例如我们平常用的Media Player和暴风影音等娱乐软件。它们在界面风格上各有特色,但实现原理大同小异。而visual basic提供了多种简单快速开发多媒体的办法,我们可以利用VB编写出功能类似的多媒体播放软件。


关键词:Visual Basic;多媒体;程序设计


Abstract:With the rapid development of computer technology, the computer interaction, the distribution of communication and multimedia practical combination, will form the following the telegraph and telephone, fax after the fourth generation of means of communication. Multimedia in human cultural life plays a more and more important role, watch videos and music also needs to use the player. Multimedia technology to the publishing industry has brought tremendous impact, which in recent years is the emergence of electronic books and the electronic publication is the application of the multimedia technology products. The multimedia player us familiar, for example, we usually use Media Player and storm and other entertainment software. They are in the style of interface on the characteristics, but the realization of the principle of similar. Visual Basic provides a variety of simple and quick development of multimedia approach, we can use VB to prepare a similar function multimedia player software.

   The player is the completion of two individuals, I am in charge of the program, a lot of reference information finally realized the player in a variety of functions, is a player can play a variety of formats of music video.

Key words:Visual Basic; multimedia; program design





