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This paper analyzes translators’ subjectivity reflected in the process of translation by comparing the translation of the Beautiful Lady Yu by three translators, namely, Xu Yuanchong, Xu Zhongjie and Frankle. The author analyzes what is translators’ subjectivity, the development of translators’ identity and the restrictions on translators’ creativity and subjectivity, and their subjectivity is reflected in the process of reading and representing. In conclusion, translators’ subjectivity is a vital factor reflected both in the process of the reading and representing of the original text.


Key words: Translators’ subjectivity; the translation of Ci-poetry the Beautiful Lady Yu; three versions





1. Introduction-1

2. Translators’ Subjectivity-2

2.1 Translator: From Periphery to Center-2

2.2 Definition of Translators’ Subjectivity-3

2.3 Creativity of Translators and Conditionality-4

3. Li Yu and his Ci Poem-5

3.1 A Brief Introduction of Li Yu-5

3.2 A Brief Introduction of Li Yu’s Ci Poem-5

4. Translator’s Subjectivity in the Process of Reading-6

4.1 Bilingual Ability-6

4.2 Bicultural Ability-7

4.3 Literary Quality-9

5. Translator’s Subjectivity in the Process of Representing-10

5.1The Purpose and Principle of Xu Yuanchong-10

5.2 The Purpose and Principle of Xu Zhongjie-11

5.3 The Purpose and Principle of Frankel-12

6. Conclusion-13

Works Cited-14

