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  • 更新时间:2021-03-13
  • 论文字数:5696
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  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:As Pixar's another masterpiece, Coco combines the old belief that death is not the end, and conveys the philosophy that true death as the end of life is forgotten by the beloved. This is a deep infiltration of Mexico's intangible cultural heritage. When no one remembers him again in the world, he will face the "final death". The theme of the animation is also thought-provoking. The background of the Coco comes from the Mexican “The Day of the Dead”. “The Day of the Dead” is a festival in which Mexicans commemorate the dead family. Unlike our Ching Ming Festival, although it is a festival to commemorate the ancestors, it is a joyous scene at “The Day of the Dead” in Mexico. Therefore, the Mexican people will hold a variety of commemorative events. The Coco breaks the traditional death theme and innovates the new art of death. At the same time, it combines the common themes of love and affection in literary works. The connotation has been pushed to a new height, giving the film its long-lasting charm.


Key words: Coco; Day of the Dead; final death






Ⅰ. Brief Analysis of Coco-3

A. Background of Film-3

B. Unique Mexican Culture-4

C. Anti-Traditional Aesthetics of Death Art-5

Ⅱ.Analysis of Death Views-7

A. The Dead and the world of the Dead-7

B. Attitude Towards Death-8

C. Final Death-9

Ⅲ.Educational Implications-11




