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  • 更新时间:2019-09-23
  • 论文字数:9290
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Abstract:Alice Munro, a Canadian woman writer, is famous for short stories. She is known as “Canada Chekhov”. In 2013, she won the Nobel Prize in literature for Runaway, and was prized as “The master of contemporary short novels” because of her outstanding achievement in short story creation. She is good at describing ordinary people’s daily life, especially on women’s love and marriage, revealing their hope and despair, confusion and resistance, and the dilemma of trying to escape but they couldn’t flee. This theme is incisively and vividly embodied in her work Runaway. 

This paper takes the main characters in the novel as the research object, which reveals the fate that they can’t escape through the related theory of fatalism. It can not only deepen the theme and make the image, but also better arouse the reader’s emotion and the imagination of readers, so that gives the works a distinctive meaning. 

This paper is composed of five chapters. The first chapter introduces the author, the works, the literature review, and the purpose and significance of the paper. The second chapter introduces the fatalism in details, and expounds the origin and definition of fatalism as well as the application of fatalism in literature. The third chapter discusses the application of fatalism in Runaway. This paper tries to analyze the three aspects of Cara and Juliet’s fate from fatalism: the escape plot, the characterization of characters, the application of symbolism and all kinds of coincidences. The fourth chapter summarizes the theme of Runaway from the perspective of fatalism and makes a deep analysis of the function of theme. The fifth chapter is summarized and generalized. In short, this paper mainly reveals that the protagonist of Runaway is doomed to unable to escape, which is from the perspective of fatalism. At the same time, by analyzing the heroine's escape, it helps people get rid of the influence of fatalism and objectively understand their fate. On the other hand, It inspires people to understand things in life correctly. We should not be master of fate, but to be master of our lives.

Key words:Alice Munro;Runaway;Fatalism


摘要:加拿大著名女作家爱丽丝·门罗,以其短篇小说著称, 被誉为“加拿大的契科夫”。2013年, 凭借《逃离》获得诺贝尔文学奖, 并因其在短篇小说创作上的杰出成就, 被誉为“当代短篇文学小说大师”。她擅长描写普通人的日常生活,尤其是关于女性的爱情和婚姻,通过对女性日常生活的揭秘,揭示出她们的希望与绝望、迷茫与反抗,以及试图逃离却无处可逃的现实困境。而这种写作主题,在她的作品《逃离》中体现的淋漓尽致。








1 Introduction-1

1.1 Alice Munro and Runaway-1

1.2 Literature Review-1

1.2.1 Studies on Alice Munro’s Runaway Abroad-1

1.2.2 Studies on Alice Munro’s Runaway at Home-2

1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study-4

2 The Theory of Fatalism-5

2.1The Origin of Fatalism-5

2.2 The Definition of Fatalism-6

2.3 The Significance of Fatalism in Literature-6

3 Embodiment of Fatalism in Runaway-8

3.1 Fatalism in Plot-8

3.1.1 Carla’sEscape-8

3.1.2 Juliet’sFlee-9

3.2 Fatalism in Characterization-9

3.2.1 Carla’s Character: Timidity-9

3.2.2 Juliet’s Character: Naiveté-10

3.2.3 Similarity inCharacters: Impulsion-11

3.3 Fatalism in Literary Techniques-11

3.3.1 The Symbolic Images-12

3.3.2 The Arrangement of Coincidences-13

4 The Function of Embodying Fatalism in Runaway-14

4.1 Themes of Runaway-14

4.2The Function of Fatalism for Presenting Themes-15

5 Conclusion-16



