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[摘要] 塑造良好的职业形象对于顺利有效地开展企业秘书工作至关重要。本文阐述了当代企业女秘书形象塑造的必要性及意义,形象塑造的具体要求,形象塑造的具体途径。

[关键词]  企业; 女秘书; 形象; 塑造


[Abstract] Nowadays, the competition between enterprises is intense, causing the qualities required by enterprises to secretaries becoming higher and higher. As often the spokesman of enterprises or organizations, the importance of the secretaries’image goes without saying. It is vital to shaping the good professional image for carrying out the office work smoothly and effectively .In view of the current requirements to secretaries in jobs, this article will elaborate the summarization ,specific requirements and ways of shaping professional secretaries’ image. 

[Key words]  enterprise;female secretary;image;shape;



