C100—8.83(90) 0.423 0.123型汽机组的热电厂热力系统设计.rar

  • 需要金币1000 个金币
  • 资料目录论文助手 > 大学本科 > 工业大学 >
  • 转换比率:金钱 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币
  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2014-07-03
  • 论文字数:10679
  • 课题出处:(飞舞的丝带)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文







Abstract:Thermal power plants is a discipline that with strong policy-oriented, high comprehensive, and is close contact with the actual production of the Thermal power plants. Through the study of this discipline, makes us establish a point of view that combining safety with benefit(economic benefits, social benefits, enviormental benefits), in order to improve the abilities to analysis, study, solve the actual production of the Thermal power plants.

   For thermal power plants, in order to achieve the purpose of saving energy and protecting the enviornment, we must improve the efficiency of the thermal economy of the thermal power plants.

   This design based on the CC100-8.83(90)/0.423/0.123 type turbine.In this design,we use the CHP program, providing a system of thermal electrical power plant which include the design of heat regenerative system and auxiliary heat systems, the calculation of principal thermodynamic systems, the select to major and auxiliary equipment, the design of plant integrity thermodynamic systems as well, uses the matter balance and the energy balance computational method.  the best program was chose after counting and comparing the five different types of programs, in order to improve the efficiency of the thermal economy of the thermal power plants.

Key words:the thermal power plant;thermal dynamic system;thermal economic efficiency.

