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  • 更新时间:2014-07-06
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摘  要:随着社会经济全球化、现代化程度的发展,人格和人格教育也越来越受到人们的重视,且人格教育的理念已渗透到各个领域,各个学科。语文作为百科之母,是一门融合工具性、人文性于一体的基础教育学科,在人格教育方面就具有其自身的独特性。但当前小学语文教育中人格教育的情况不容乐观,大部分的教师偏重分析课文内容和表达技巧,对学生的情感体验引导不够,过分依赖教材和备课资料,追求形式,脱离学生的生活实际。本文主要以小学语文教学中人格教育的现状作为切入点,分析其原因,提出切实可行的对策。



ABSTRACT:Along with the social development degree of economic globalization and modernization, the personality and personality education is becoming more and more brought to the attention of the people, and the concept of personality education has penetrated into every field, various disciplines. Chinese as the mother of wikipedia, is a fusion of instrumental and humanism based education discipline, has its own uniqueness in terms of personality education. But personality education in current primary school language education situation is not optimistic, most of the teachers lay particular stress on analyzing the text content and presentation skills, guide the students' emotional experience is not enough, rely too much on teaching material and preparing materials, the pursuit of form, from the student's real life. This article, the status quo of personality education in Chinese teaching in primary school as the breakthrough point, analyze the causes, and put forward practical and feasible countermeasures =

Keywords: Primary school; Personality education; Chinese language teaching

