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  • 更新时间:2014-01-06
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ABSTRACT:Educational Technology Specialty is a field which linked to the theory and practice, practice teaching to a large extent affected the development and promotion of the field, trainee and fieldwork is an important aspect of practical ability for Educational Technology Specialty students. Researching the trainee and fieldwork in Educational Technology Specialty of HongHe University(Note:the following referred to as " our university "), related to the teaching of Educational Technology Specialty to developing and consummating closely, and it’s a indispensable part of the Educational Technology Specialty in our university. Although we has made many achievements on student evaluation and implementation of the reform, development efforts in guiding the students still need to be strengthened. Reserching Developmental Evalution in trainee and fieldwork can reflect the concept of "people first".

   Through questionnaire, interview records, and other research methods, this dissertation is composed five parts. The first part is preface, mainly expounds the aims,significance,methods and contents of this study. The second part is introduction, this part introduces the conception of Developmental Evalution, deals with the the Developmental Evalution from the conception, basis of the theories, characteristics and basic principles. The third part is surveies and analysis about present situation of trainee and fieldwork in Educational Technology Specialty of HongHe university. The main analysis is modes and objectives about trainee and fieldwork. The fourth part is summary,outlook and problems. Making a summary about Developmental Evalution index system; finding the problems in the trainee and fieldwork and providing some advices.In the end, the dissertation makes outlook and thanks.

   The innovations with dissertation is it contact with the practical problem which students pay close attention, from a new perspective to research the evalution of trainee and fieldwork。The results of stuy is targeted data could be provided for the trainee and fieldwork of Educational Technology Specialty of HongHe University. Besides, building the Developmental Evalution index system.

Keywords: Educational Technology Specialty, Trainee and Fieldwork, Developmental Evalution,  Evalution Index System


