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2022年03月13日 更新 “美国人论文”相关信息


通过本文,我们可以看到非裔美国人争取自由和平等的道路绝非容易之事。 自由从来就不是免费的!美国白人和在民权运动中的强硬派也反映了非裔美国人争取自由与和平的艰巨性。不...
分类:英语参考文献 - 字数:8250


分类:古代文学 - 字数:15460


Henry James is an American novelist, literary critic and playwright and essayist. In 19th century, Henry James was American greatest novelist after Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. Henry James was also a literary giant in the history...
分类:英文文献 - 字数:7409


分类:文学比较 - 字数:10169


The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison’s first novel. It was a story of the most delicate and vulnerable members in the world---children and women. Later, Morrison explained that the story developed out of a conversation she had in an elementary ...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:6453


For a long time, African Americans had no right, no freedom. After the Civil War, the black slaves were liberated. However, the African American in the U.S.A, particularly in the south still could not enjoy freedom and equality with the whit...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:4878


In this thesis, the author will try to reason the relations between the Puritans and American enterprising spirit so that readers can better understand the American society. The author also wants to employ such a topic to inspire the Chinese...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5900