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2022年03月14日 更新 “弗兰克论文”相关信息


The main purpose of this paper is to explore the attitude towards life and the expression of emotion of lonely patients. Besides, the measures by which people have to deal with the lonely patients are also focused on. The paper is divided in...
分类:英语专业网 - 字数:6373


Regarded as one of the greatest short-story writers of all time, Frank O'Connor (1903-1966) was also a literary critic, essayist, travel writer, translator, biographer, novelist, poet, dramatist and self-taught genius. It is unanimous that ...
分类:英语参考文献 - 字数:7641


In diesem Text gibt es sechs Fragen, die ich zu lösen brauche. Warum passiert Krieg? Was bringt Krieg Leuten? Was soll man Krieg in der Gegenwart und in der Zukunft handeln? Welche Sittlichkeiten und welche schlechten Qualitäten haben Mens...
分类:德语专业 - 字数:6825