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2022年03月14日 更新 “好男人论文”相关信息


After they were done with their tea, Emily switched on the TV and got out her knitting. Maggie could have gone home to her own TV, but it was soothing to watch it with someone else. Emily kept her television on TVOntario, so that eliminated ...
分类:英语翻译 - 字数:26935


Douglas didn't have a kitchen or dining-room table. He said he just had his meals in the living room, with the History Channel on television. That was another thing he had that Maggie couldn't afford, satellite TV, although he watched it on ...
分类:英语翻译 - 字数:24585


The mother cat must have had the kittens in the woodpile, she decided. The wood had been left there by the previous owner, who had evidently used the woodstove in the house. Maggie found the woodstove terrifying and had no intention of attem...
分类:英语论文翻译 - 字数:22535


But there were other things that needed her attention at the moment. Brad had redirected the email from the bookseller wanting to check their discards back to her. He had also approved the removal of most of the books on her list. So those t...
分类:英语翻译 - 字数:25884


The front desk didn't need help today, so she concentrated on the work that Brad had left on her desk. He had put her in charge of the monthly book club. It had been handled by the previous Assistant Librarian and basically consisted of a tw...
分类:英语翻译 - 字数:22995


It was late afternoon, on Monday, and Maggie was sitting out on her deck, the kittens playing around her feet. After taking Emily grocery shopping, they had stopped off at Stretch, the thrift store, and Maggie had bought two plastic chairs f...
分类:外国语学院 - 字数:19630