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Abstract:The topics take the fitness instructors in health club in Zhengzhou City as the investigation object and the professional structure of the instructors as the rearch object, using literature method, survey method, mathematical statistics and inductive logic research methods survey and analysis fitness instructors’ current suitution and professional quality structure in Zhengzhou City. It summarized the professional elements that a fitness instructor should have and a more reasonable frame of the instructors in Zhengzhou city, which provides reference for professional quality assessment and training of the fitness instructors. It also pointed out the problems and shortcomings in professional quality of the fitness instructor in health club in Zhengzhou City at the present stage of and proposed reasonal proposals against the question, specifically the following conclusions:

  1. Fitness instructor team in health club was getting younger and younger in Zhengzhou City. It is basically rational of the ratio of male to female. Aerobics instructors has a high level of literacy and professional. However, most of them are non-sports professionals and the coaches are not standardized, scientific, and professional.

  2. Full-time coaches and high-level expertise take up low percentage of Fitness instructors. There are many undocumented instructors and the instructor team is instability, which is not good to fitness programs, orderly and effectively carry out.

  3. The main motivation for the guidance of fitness instructors are hobbies, which has low social recognition. The guide items has a rich distribution, but it can not meet the membership requirements. There is a shortage of instructors talents.

  4. Fitness Instructors’ professional ethics Zhengzhou City: they showed a high professionalism, which is consistent with the expectations of members. However, there are still something needs to be strengthened such as the professional attitude, service methods and service content.

  5. Fitness Instructor s’ professional knowledge in Zhengzhou: they have a high level of basic theory knowledge, but their professional skills and knowledge needs to be improved, especially the knowledge in health and fitness assessment, fitness prescription.

  6. Fitness Instructor quality of professional competence in Zhengzhou: Instructors in Zhengzhou have a general teaching ability a low level of research capability and their observe and response capabilities and teaching evaluation capacity needs to be strengthened. They have a  high level of communication skills and learning and innovation capacity.

  7. Fitness Instructors’ professional image in Zhengzhou City : Instructors should be very confident with their external image ,for example, strong body and well-proportioned and beautiful body shape but they should be more confident in their elegant manners;as for their inner imagine they should have a positive temperament and unique personal charm. However, it is inadequate of the affinity with the members.

Key words:Zhengzhou city,Health clubs, Fitness instructor, Professional quality structure


