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译文(字数 7126)


Chien Chou, Linda Condron, and John C. Belland


关键词:互联网成瘾 互联网依赖 互联网滥用 病理性互联网使用



外文原文(字符数 22732)

A Review of the Research on Internet Addiction

Chien Chou, Linda Condron, and John C. Belland

作者:Chien Chou,Linda Condron,John C. Belland

书名:A Review of the Research on Internet Addiction

杂志名:Educational Psychology Review,


Research indicates that maladaptive patterns of Internet use constitute behavioral addiction. This article explores the research on the social effects of Internet addiction. There are four major sections. The Introduction section overviews the field and introduces definitions, terminology, and assessments. The second section reviews research findings and focuses on several key factors related to Internet addiction, including Internet use and time, identifiable problems, gender differences, psychosocial variables, and computer attitudes. The third section considers the addictive potential of the Internet in terms of the Internet, its users, and the interaction of the two. The fourth section addresses current and projected treatments of Internet addiction, suggests future research agendas, and provides implications for educational psychologists.

KEY WORDS: Internet addiction; Internet dependence; Internet abuse; pathological Internet use.

