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译文(字数 3094):






外文原文(字符数 15073):

外文出处:Janine Rolfe .保持良好的公司,第65卷第10期,586-590。

Shareholders’ right to know

It was in 1932 that the phrase ‘separation of ownership and control’ was coined by Berle and Means, but the concept’s origins have deep historical roots.

The South Sea Bubble Case is renowned for many events not least of which was impeachment of the Cabinet of the time and a recommendation to the British Parliament to place bankers in sacks filled with snakes to be thrown into the River Thames! Not quite as stirring but of greater consequence was the ‘Bubble Act’ of 1720 which was enacted following the case. The ‘Bubble Act’ required new joint-stock companies to be incorporated and in so doing, instituted the concepts of:limited liability of shareholders and manager separate and distinguishable from a business’ owner.

