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译文(字数 4973):





国际商事仲裁的第一个优势在于它的公正无私。众所周知,国际仲裁机构通常是独立组织,例如1923年发现的斯德哥尔摩商会(SCC),总部在巴黎的国际商会(ICC),香港国际的仲裁中心 (HKICA)等等。他们不是某个政府的组织。而国家的法院通常被视为国家政府的一部分,并且以本国人财政和意志而为本国利益工作。司法部的同一个意见在不同的国民法院,总是会有不同的解释。………………


原文(字符数 16203):



International Commercial Arbitration in Net Era

-Author Chambers Yang, Marshal Chen & Morris Lin Source Law Bridge 

Date 2005-5-8 21:57:12


   With the globalisation of the world economy, all kinds of the international disputes come out frequently. Solving such dispute efficiently and fairly is very key to the development of the global trade. It is noted that many traders usually like to choose the international arbitration institution instead of the national court. Such a common opinion depends on the inherent advantages lying in the international arbitration.

The first advantage is impartiality. It is well known that the international arbitration institutions are usually organised by the independent organisations. For example International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that was founded in 1923 and headquartered in Paris, the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), the HongKong International Arbitration………………


