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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2014-09-27
  • 论文字数:9621
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  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:A wave of Harry Potter-craze sweep over the whole world from1997 on. The readers, regardless of their skin colors, age and sex, all realize that Harry Potter is a name that will always be with us , for our whole life, no matter where we go, or how we live the life. Harry Potter will always be there, having an impact on our life. In order to probe into the immense magic power Harry Potter exerted on the readers, this thesis intends to focus on the analysis of the emotional fibre of the hero and this analysis may serve as a new means for readers to have an ever cleaner understanding of the hero. Harry Potter’s emotional fibre is mainly reflected by his contacts with his friends, and lovers as well as the conflicts and struggles with his enemies. 

   This is Harry Potter,  kind, strong, brave, humorous and smart .He is a symbol of our times and an illustration of the good side in all of us. In other words, Harry Potter is a mirror that can reflect ourselves.

Key words: Harry Potter;emotional  emotional;friends;enemies;lovers;reflection




