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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2013-12-24
  • 论文字数:4923
  • 课题出处:(勤劳小蜜蜂)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract: The thesis analyzes those differences between Chinese and American culture, and forces on introducing the impacts which result from such cultural differences. Efforts in the thesis are devoted to exploring the underlying cultural factors behind the distinctions of these negotiating styles. A good knowledge of these differences in the two cultures may help negotiators better understand and interpret their counterpart's negotiating behavior and find ways to settle the disputes created by these differences. The thesis consists of five aspects. The first aspect is an introduction of the whole passage. The second part devotes to understand the cultural differences in Sino-U.S. business negotiation. And these differences include communication, protocol, time perception and emotionalism. The third part is the most important part which expatiate the impact of culture on business negotiations.The fourth part is to provide some recommendations for negotiators. The last part is a conclusion. 

Key Words: Sino-US negotiation; culture difference; impact; recommendation





