
  • 需要金币500 个金币
  • 资料目录论文助手 > 外语研究 > 跨文化交际 >
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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2014-11-13
  • 论文字数:4868
  • 课题出处:(mi胖胖)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:Because of the differences in geographical location, daily habbits and history, a variety in Chinese and Western cultures, especially in Chinese and American cultures have evolved. Time concept differences of Chinese and American are directly caused by the two regions’ people holding many different values in their daily lives, studies, and work. Some people are born with an impatient personality, while others with a slow temperament. Some people are always very punctual, while others may be frequently late to appointments. These differences are reflected in Chinese and American different time concepts. In the following paper, supported by scientific sources and researches, the author will discuss the time concept of Chinese and American in cross-cultural communication, and try to avoid cultural conflicts.

Keywords: Chinese and American cultures; time concept; cross-cultural communication




