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2022年03月14日 更新 “多义论文”相关信息


한국어의 사자성어는 대부분이 중국에서 차용되어 중국어 사자성어와 의미상 비슷하지만 한국의 사회환경이나 역사발전에 따라 한국의 특유한 의미가 파생된 경우가 많다. 이런 다의...
分类:韩语发音规则 - 字数:10244


Based on the theory of cognitive linguistics, this article is intended to analyze the phenomenon of polysemy through the cognitive approaches--prototype theory, category theory, metaphor and image schema, and try to summarize the trends of p...
分类:商务英语 - 字数:8771


分类:古代文学 - 字数:11670


本文首先将对一词多义现象及隐喻的研究现状进行简要介绍,继而基于认知隐喻观对相关词汇( 例如,scapegoat,nightmare等等)的语义演变作详细阐释。为了使文章层次清楚,本文将通过英...
分类:英语教学论文 - 字数:9342


分类:英语语言学 - 字数:7044


This paper aims to give an overview of polysemy in English and study how the new meanings of a word are formed and the relations between those meanings so as to help English learners deepen their understanding of polysemous words....
分类:英语论文 - 字数:4316


This paper generally summarizes the previous studies about polysemy, English business letters and cross-cultural communication, and analyzes polysemy of common lexis in English business letters and analyzes the effects that the cross-cultura...
分类:跨文化交际 - 字数:6133


On the other hand, it is the same that people cognize things from different angles due to cultural differences though the expanding mechanism of semantic category. Thus the expansions of specific paths are differing that we can see the refle...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:7668