Abstract:This paper is written from the view of the practitioner from the travel agency, and basing on some literatures about the travels’ cognitions and choices of the destinations. Incorporating the statement about the concept and feature of destinations, the analysis on the feature of Guangzhou travelers and data about their destinations acquired from GDCTS, I will analyze how their feature in winter will be in this paper. And some marketing tactics and selling skills with feasibility and effectiveness for Guangzhou travelers in winter will also be raised according to the analysis.
Keywords: Travel agencies, Travel market in Guangzhou, Destinations, Marketing tactics, Selling skills
对于旅游企业乃至于整个地区旅游行业的发展,营销都是举足轻重的中流砥柱,是整个旅游业务进行的基础。旅游产品与游客之间的博弈,对旅游业务营销有着重要的指导意义。而冬季[ 本论文所述的皆指北半球的冬季,即从当年12月至次年2月末]因气候以及区位的差异产生了季节性强的旅游目的地,以及跨越了一年中最长的假期之一——春节假期,但目前为止,广州市冬季市场仍有开发潜力,而有效提高冬季旅游业务成交也将能为企业带来更高的收益。