英汉翻译《语言与力量》Section A第1-4章_英语论文.doc

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  • 更新时间:2020-09-09
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《语言与力量》是一本由美国作家Paul Simpson和Andrea Mayr撰写的学术著作,本次翻译实践选取了《语言与力量》中section A第一章到第四章,该部分介绍了语言和权力研究中的重要课题。







Language and power is an academic book written by the American writers Paul Simpson and Andrea Mayr. In this translation practice, I selected Chapter 1-4 in Section A to translate. These chapters introduce the important topic in the study of language and power.

Chapter 0ne: This part mainly elaborates the concept of power and ideology, and also tries to prove that language is influenced by the ideology.

Chapter Two: This chapter is mainly about language and power in institutional contexts. It mainly involves the ways in which language is used to create and shape institutions. In turn, it also demonstrates the way in which the institutions used to  create, shape and impose discourses.

Chapter Three: In this chapter we will have more detailed observation to institutional talk. We will further study to discover how the power relations between speakers in such contexts can be analyzed through the language they use. In addition, we will also show you people’s different ways they used to draw on linguistic resources because of their different and unequal institutional status.

Chapter Four: In this chapter we will try to find the relationship between language, gender and power. There has been intense interest in the relationship between language, gender and power since fifty years ago, as both an academic and a popular subject.

